Monday, September 7, 2009

Having a baby changes everything...

...even if it's not yours! We had the twin boys I take care of here all of last week while their parents took a little vacation. It was so much fun! I have to say, I LOVE waking up to the sounds of a little one cooing! The boys were great, but boy are we tired! Here's some pictures of how our house changed - more pictures of the boys coming soon! (Although, if you want to see them now, I created their own blogger page for them so their parents can follow what we do each day. You can check it out at or just go to my profile and it is under the list of blogs I write)


the misses of the blisses September 8, 2009 at 2:18 AM  

LOL! Too much fun! I wish I could have been a little fly on the wall to watch you guys with the boys! I do like the look of bottles in your fridge and diapers on your dresser... you guys will be amazing parents someday! :)

Tina September 8, 2009 at 8:37 AM  

Welcome to the wonderful world of parenting!! Glad you had fun and it was a good learning experience. When will we get the great news you'll be having one of your own?