I can't believe it's happening - today my baby brother turns thirteen.
I remember the morning her was born like it was yesterday. Kris and I spent the night before with our aunt and uncle. I don't remember exactly what time we were supposed to get up (maybe five?) but I do remember that the alarm they had set for us in the room we were staying in went off an hour earlier than it was supposed to because they didn't change it back at daylight savings! :) We got to the hospital and got to say hi to mom and dad as they were on their way to the operating room. Mom had gone down to be prepped and stuff and the doctor was hanging around and said to me, "Hey, what's that on your face? You need to get that checked out. It looks like ring worm to me, and if it is you need to get it treated before you can go near the baby." Being the over tired, pre-pubescent girl that I was, I started bawling. Nothing sounded worse to me than being kept away from my new baby brother! I don't remember exactly how I got it checked out, but it turns out I just had dry skin from the cold weather. Grr! To this day I still harbor bad feelings towards this doctor. Funny how all that sticks with you... Anyway, dad and the doctor left and we sat in the family waiting room and played card and board games with my grandma and my mom's brother and sister and their spouses. As time wore on, Kris and I got anxious and would rush out into the hallway every time we heard a baby cry, hoping it was our baby brother. Finally, around 8:00am, a nurse and my dad came out of the elevator. The nurse was pushing the bassinet, but my dad was carrying the baby. I remember him kneeling down and introducing Kristin and I to Jacob Mitchell. I got to hold him first, then Kris, and then they took him into the nursery to do all the things they do with new babies. One of the most fun things to look back on are the pictures Kris and I took. Mom and dad gave us each a disposable camera to take whatever pictures we wanted through out the day. We took some really stupid pictures as we were waiting for Jake to be born! That afternoon mom needed to nap, so Kris, dad and I went to a one hour photo store and developed pictures of Jake. Before my mom woke up, my dad snuck back into her room and put up pictures of her three kids for her to have. He is such a sweet man!
Those of you who know my dad know that he NEVER takes a day off work. Ever. Jake's birth was no exception. After we spent more time at the hospital with just the five of us, dad took Kristin and I to work with him so he could get some things done. I don't think we were there as late as I remember being, but I do remember that there was a snow storm that night and mom was worried about us being out and driving. Poor mom - I think we kept her up late worrying!
I know I am not Jake's mom (and thank God for that considering I was only 11 when he was born... :) ) but I do feel a really special connection to this guy. I think I had the best of every world with him. I was much older and got to help take care of him and feed him, but I also didn't have to be his parent and worry about disciplining him. When it was his nap time, I would take him into my parents room and lay him on my chest and sing to him. He was such a great baby. He was always smiling, which I'm sure is in part because of the mass amount of attention he received at all times! He was a quiet baby, too, and I remember my parents worrying that he wasn't talking as much as he should be (I'm sure over bearing big sisters had nothing to do with that!) He talks so much as now that I'm sure he's more than made up for it! Jake was/is just my buddy. When I first got my licence, I would pick him up from pre-school and sing along to the tapes (yes, tapes) I had in my car. I picked him up from school on September 11, 2001 and had to answer his tough questions about what happened. I would cart him around at band concerts and let him play on the instruments in the band room when no one was looking. When Dan and I had a fight once before we were married, Jake called him without anyone knowing and told him he better be nice to his sister or else. Every time I think about him, I think of another memory between us that makes me smile, inside and out. It has been hard being away from him now that Dan and I are married. Thankfully, I still talk to him all the time (especially now that he has a cell phone) and even get to surprise him by picking him up from school every now and then. He still gives me the best smile when he sees me and didn't know I was coming. I learned a lot about everything through my relationship with Jake, and I still adore him as much today as I did thirteen years ago.
Jake - I hope you know what a blessing you are, especially to me. From the day you were born, and even now through your awkward teen years, you have been the most unconditionally loving creature I've ever met. Your heart is unprecedented in size. I hope you always hold on to that. Thanks for letting me be silly and stupid with you, as well as asking me tough questions about life. If you ever feel for one second that you're not good enough, or smart enough, or anything like that, you need to call me. I already have a lifetimes worth of wonderful things to remind you about yourself! You were created for great things, and I am so excited to see what God has is store for you. Keep being you, kiddo. I want no one else to be my baby brother. I love you Jakers!
youre such a great sister :) very sweet :)
I am a little slow on the blog reading thing, but this is so sweet! I remember him as a baby too, it's hard to believe he is a teenager! he is so lucky to have two amazing sisters!
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